Benvenuto! Welcome to the Italy itinerary challenge! We are so excited to help you start planning a dream Italy itinerary. Planning trips is known to boost your mood and if you’re planning to travel in the next 1-3 years, getting a head start on planning will stand you in good stead for when it comes time to book your trip.

At the end of the challenge you’ll have a draft itinerary that reflects your interests and dreams and covers off major logistics.

We’ll get started in a day or two but in the meantime, watch the video below where our founder Katy describes the challenge and what you can expect.

If you haven’t already done so, you may want to listen to our  on planning a dream Italy itinerary with author Corinna Cooke.

Get ready for the challenge

    • Listen to our podcast episode on planning a dream Italy itinerary with author Corinna Cooke
    • Join our FREE Italy Travel Planning community
    • Gather useful items – notebook,  online note taking tool eg Google docs, Evernote, Pinterest account, Italy guidebooks if you have them (not essential)
    • You will need internet access on most days

See you in your inbox soon!